International Symposium on
Modern Perspectives of Fluid Mechanics

Date : June 26-27, 2009
Venue : Venture Business Laboratory, 3F, Nagoya University, Japan (Building No. 51 on the map)

Takashi Ishihara (Nagoya University),
Katsunori Yoshimatsu (Nagoya University),
Naoya Okamoto (Nagoya University)


Prof. Y. Kaneda has played a unique role in the fields of statistical theory of turbulence, computational science of turbulence, Stokes flow and vortex dynamics.
He has stimulated and fostered all of these areas by his sustained scientific leadership.
The symposium aims to cover wide range of these fields and to celebrate the many achievement of Y. Kaneda in his career so far.


Friday June 26

13:00 - 13:10 Opening Remark (Takashi Ishihara)
  [Chair: Takashi Ishihara]
13:10-14:10 Toshiyuki Gotoh (Nagoya Institute of Technology),
"Lagrangian renormalized approximation for turbulence"
14:10-14:50 Naoaki Bekki (Nihon University),
"Return interval distribution of extreme intermittent events in 2-D Boussinesq magnetoconvection."
14:50-15:10 Coffee Break
  [Chair: Toshiyuki Gotoh]
15:10-15:50 Robert Rubinstein (NASA Langley Research Center),
"The inviscid truncated system for rotating turbulence."
15:50-16:30 Kyo Yoshida (University of Tsukuba),
"Small scale statistics of isotropic and weakly anisotropic MHD turbulences"
16:30-16:50 Coffee Break
  [Chair: Katsunori Yoshimatsu]
16:50-17:30 Kai Schneider (Universite de Provence Aix Marseille I),
"Multiresolution techniques for analyzing, modeling and computing turbulence."
17:30-18:10 Peter Davidson (University of Cambridge),
"On the decay of stratified, rotating and MHD turbulence"



Saturday June 27

  [Chair: Katsuya Ishii]
10:00-10:40 Hideo Kozono (Tohoku University)
"Navier-Stokes equations in multiple connected domains"
10:40-11:20 Yasuhide Fukumoto (Kyushu University),
"Lagrangian approach to weakly nonlinear interactions of waves on a rotating flow"
11:20-13:00 Lunch
  [Chair: Kyo Yoshida]
13:00-13:40 Yoshiyuki Tsuji (Nagoya University),
"Pressure Correlation Spectra in Homogeneous Anisotropic Turbulence"
13:40-14:30 Katsuya Ishii (Nagoya University),
"Low Reynolds number flow around two cylinders"