CCS Symposium Autumn 2011 |
Date: November 1-2, 2011
Place: ES Hall, Nagoya University, Japan
("C2 4" on the map) |
November 1 |
Turbulence simulation and modelling |
13:00-13:50 |
J.C.R. Hunt (UCL) |
Interfaces in turbulence - the key to dynamics, modelling, simulation and applications |
13:50-14:00 |
break |
14:00-14:40 |
K. Takahashi (ESC) |
Dynamics and adaptive strategies in urban boundary layer |
14:40-15:20 |
T. Ishihara (Nagoya University) |
Strong shear layers in high Reynolds number homogeneous turbulence |
15:20-16:20 |
Poster session & coffee break |
November 2 |
Mathematical and computational science of vortex-boundary interactions |
10:30-11:20 |
K. Schneider (Aix-Marseille Université
, France) |
Numerical simulations of the clap-fling-sweep mechanism of hovering insects |
11:20-12:00 |
M. Iima (Hiroshima University) |
Unstable flapping state and flapping control in a flight model |
12:00-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-14:10 |
Y. Hattori (Tohoku University) |
Development of volume penalization method for simulation of flow around complex bodies |
14:10-14:50 |
T. Sawada (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) |
Computational approach to multiply connected fluid-structure interactions |
coffee break |
15:10-15:50 |
R. Nelson (Hokkaido University, JST CREST) |
Vortex dynamics in multiply connected domains and its applications |
15:50-16:30 |
Z. Arai (Hokkaido University, JST CREST) |
Topological approaches to coherent structures in fluid dynamics |
Poster sessions |
Y. Baba and K. Takahashi,
Turbulence structure in convective boundary layer with resolved building/cube array |
G. Khujadze, R. Nguyen van yen, K. Schneider, M. Oberlack, M. Farge,
Coherent vorticity extraction in turbulent boundary layers using orthogonal wavelets
T. Kitamura, K. Nagata,Y. Sakai, A. Sasoh,O. Terashima,H. Saito,T. Harasaki,
Experimental Study on Decaying Characteristic of Grid Turbulence |
D. Kolomenskiy, H. K. Moffatt, M. Farge and K. Schneider,
Three-dimensional flow near flapping wings
K. Morishita, T. Ishihara, Y. Kaneda,
DNS study of the small-scale statistics in turbulent channel flow at high-Reynolds numbers
R. Nguyen van yen, M. Farge, K. Schneider,
Dissipation by two-dimensional flows at vanishing viscosity
N. Okamoto, K. Yoshimatsu, K. Schneider and M. Farge,
Intermittency of quasi-static magnetohydrodynamic turbulence: A wavelet viewpoint
K. Takahashi, K. Goto and H. Fuchigami,
High Performance Computing on the Earth Simulator for World-highest Resolution Global Atmospheric Model
O. Terashima, Y.Sakai, K. Nagata, Y. Shouji and K. Onishi,
Pressure Measurement near the Interface of Turbulent/Non Turbulent Region |
Y. Tsuji, S. Imayama, P. Schlatter, P. H. Alfredsson, and A. V. Johansson, I. Marusic, N. Hutchins, M. Chong,
Pressure Fluctuation in High-Reynolds Number Turbulent Boundary Layers; Results from Experiments and Numerical Simulations
Organizer |
Takashi Ishihara |
Nagoya University |
Katsunori Yoshimatsu |
Nagoya University |
Naoya Okamoto |
Nagoya University |
Center for Computational Science |
http://ccs.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ |